The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit published an important decision

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit published an important decision on August 13, 2021. The court ruled that when the FCC decided that it had protected the public's health using its 1996 radio frequency guidelines, the FCC had failed to consider the non-cancer evidence regarding adverse health effects of wireless technology when it decided that its 1996 radio frequency guidelines protect the public's health. The ruling means that the FCC must go back and review the thousands of studies and evidence showing harm from authorized levels of radiation exposure. Until then, while the FCC guidelines are in effect, they cannot be used to assure safety. This was a win effectuated by the Children's Health Defense, and attorney Dafna Tachover, Managing Director of We Are The Evidence and NYSUMA advisory member. Another NYSUMA advisory board member, Dr. David Carpenter, and NYSUMA board president Michele Hertz petitioners in the Children's Health Defense case. 

On October 8, 2021, the Children's Health Defense led an  Amicus Brief, filed in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania on behalf of 81 organizations. The central thrust was whether P.A. mandates smart meters and whether disability accommodation must be provided to those who are adversely affected by smart meters. Under consideration is what level of proof is required for accommodation and what should be considered reasonable under the Americans with Disabilities Act and state disability laws. 

Kerin Smith
We Have No Reason to Believe 5G is Safe

The article below was written by Dr. Joel Moskowitz and published in Scientific America on October 17, 2019. In this concise and fact-based review, Dr. Moskowitz details the failure of government agencies to protect public health and the environment from the harmful effects of radiofrequency radiation. He notes that, based on peer-reviewed published science, over 240 scientists from around the world have signed the International EMF Scientist Appeal that calls for stronger RF exposure limits. Please read and share.

We Have No Reason to Believe 5G is Safe
The technology is coming, but contrary to what some people say, there could be health risks
By Joel M. Moskowitz on October 17, 2019·

The telecommunications industry and their experts have accused many scientists who have researched the effects of cell phone radiation of "fear mongering" over the advent of wireless technology's 5G. Since much of our research is publicly-funded, we believe it is our ethical responsibility to inform the public about what the peer-reviewed scientific literature tells us about the health risks from wireless radiation.

Read Full Article on Scientific American

Kerin Smith
Antenna Sickness: the Voltage of Cancer

[I summarize and crib here from I
urge you to read the entire detailed work with its many references]

From the Bio-Initiative Report 2012 (2014) which is based on 1800 published studies, prepared by 29 authors from ten countries, ten MDs, 21 PhDs, three MSc, MA or MPHs, and among the authors are three former presidents of the Bio-electromagnetics Society: “Bio-effects are clearly established and occur at very low levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields and radio frequency radiation. Bio-effects can occur in the first few minutes at levels associated with cell and cordless phone use. Bio-effects can also occur from just minutes of exposure to [cell towers], Wi-Fi and wireless utility “smart” meters that produce whole body exposure. Chronic base station [cell tower] exposures can result in illness.” Mobile communications and mobile entertainment require a human environment, indoors and outdoors, filled with disease-inducing radiation. We are bombarded wherever we go in these environments. Wireless radiation pollution is a CONFIRMED HUMAN CARCINOGEN, on par with asbestos and nuclear radiation. Now,
how about ourselves, our children and babies?

America’s toxic denial syndrome is maintained in the smart device age with our complicity. We, the radiation victims, are skillfully “stoned” on what behavioral scientists are now calling “digital heroin.” One in three American babies are hooked on Wi-Fi devices before they can talk. America’s 8- to 10-year-olds spend hours per day on digital media while many teens spend 11+ hours-a-day with a wireless toys. [Kids Wireless Use Facts, CTIA—The Wireless Association, 2016.] Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, a leading neuropsychologist and addiction specialist, explains why: “We now know that those iPads, smart phones and Xboxes are a form of digital drug. Recent brain imaging research is showing that they affect the brain’s frontal cortex—which controls executive functioning, including impulse control—in exactly the same way that cocaine does. Technology is so hyper-arousing that it raises dopamine levels—the feel-good
neurotransmitter most involved in the addiction dynamic—as much as sex.” Glow Kids:
How Screen Addiction is Hijacking Our Kids—And How to Break the Trance, Nicholas
Kardaras, Ph.D., St. Martin’s Press, 2016.

The late Robert C. Kane, Ph.D., whose career included electrical engineering for
Motorola, advised: “The belief that microwaves cannot cause bond breaking in
chromosomes or DNA, or damage tissue more generally is quite inaccurate. Since the
energy absorption mechanism is not the same as that for ionizing radiation, such as Xrays,
the mechanisms of energy transfer that cause the bond breaking may be different.
However the result is quite evident—DNA and chromosomal damage…. It’s not just
happening at one frequency and it’s not just being observed by researchers in one
laboratory. The same chromosome and DNA damages are being reported at frequencies
across the entire range, including 100 MHz [FM radio], 300 MHz, 837 MHz, 954 MHz
[cell phones] 1,250 MHz, 2,450 MHz [2.45 gigahertz: Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, smart phones],
and up to 9000 MHz [9 gigahertz: vehicle-to-vehicle radar systems].” Cellular
Telephone Russian Roulette, Robert C. Kane, Vantage Press, 2001, p. 96.

The worst is yet to come. In July 2016, only weeks after federal NTP scientists
announced the preliminary results of their cell phone/cancer studies, the Federal
Communications Commission (FCC) declared its intention to increase America’s wireless
pollution by millions-fold. Ignoring the internationally recognized Nuremberg Code that
prohibits biological experimentation without informed consent, the FCC is set to unleash
new experimental microwave frequencies to accommodate fifth generation (5G) wireless

The 5G will utilize 3.5 gigahertz and also high-band frequencies between 24-86
gigahertz. Microwaves propagated above 30 gigahertz are ultra-short millimeter waves.
Millimeter antennas propagating modulated signals at 24 to 86 gigahertz will assault all
living creatures with invasive photon energy that artificially oscillates the polarity of
tissues 24 to 86 billion times per each measurable second!

None of the upcoming 5G frequencies have been properly tested for their biological
effects (because such testing would literally horrify potential victims?). In September
2017, 180 scientists and doctors representing 35 countries published an urgent request
that the European Union slap a moratorium on 5G technologies until the potential for
human and environmental hazards are fully investigated by scientists independent from
the Radiation Industry. Read the report: Scientists warn of potential serious health
effects of 5G.

What little we know so far is that high-band radiation in the millimeter spectrum has
documented capacity to: penetrate and inflame the skin, manipulate the DNA, damage
cellular membranes, affect growth, endanger eyesight and induce a cascade of other
potentially disastrous biological ramifications not yet understood. [Subjective Symptoms,
Sleeping Problems, and Cognitive Performance in Subjects Living Near Mobile Phone
Base Stations, Hutter et al., Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2006; 63:307-
313.] Millimeter waves absorb and interact with both water and oxygen, two vital components
of human flesh. 

Over two decades ago, scientists experimenting with millimeter waves
noted that these hyper-frequencies have potential to affect molecules with “resonant
vibrational or rotational interactions, not seen at lower frequencies.” Most alarming,
these researchers noted that the bizarre effects of these waves can be produced at power
densities hundreds of times lower than the FCC’s public exposure limits currently allow.
[Mobile Telecommunications In Kempten West Blood Levels Alarmingly Altered,
emfrefugee.blogspot, 07-01-2008.]

The Wireless Radiation Industry is like Big Tobacco. It operates in the shadows as it
sites deadly antennas in our midst and promotes microwave systems and devices. The
industry has never been required to produce valid scientific evidence proving that Wi-Fi technologies and Wireless devices are safe. The industry will never honestly discuss the
thousands of published documents showing that these technologies present grave
hazards to human and animal health. Federal law ensures that corporate wireless
profiteers are exempt from adequate pre-market testing and also from normal
requirements of full disclosure, as is mandatory for pharmaceutical drugs and other
risky products.

Our newly elected Congress has some big work to do! Tell the others.

~Joanne Steele, Conservation Chair, Mid-Hudson Sierra Club

Re-reprinted with permission from the Winter 2018 Mid-Hudson Sierra Club newsletter.

Kerin Smith
Do You Suffer From Inexplicable Health Problems? 

Health issues like headaches, heart palpitations, tinnitus, insomnia, tingling extremities, intestinal distress and more, may be due to your exposure to Electro Magnetic Fields (EMF) radiation. 

Below are some useful tips for limiting your exposure to EMF's:

1. Check your utility meter. Is it digital or analog? Click on for pictures. If you have a digital (AMR, ERT, "smart") meter; stay away from it, contact your utility and request an analog meter. File a complaint with the New York State Public Service Commission.

2. Use power strips with built in on/off switches for TV’s, Wi-Fi routers and modems. Turn them off at night. It only takes a few seconds for everything to reboot once they are turned back on. You can eliminate Wi-Fi routers and instead use Ethernet cables for computer hook-ups. 

3. Hire an electrician to remove all dimmer switches.

4. Remove cordless DECT landline phones. Replace them with non-cordless landline telephones.

5. Purchase a transistor radio - use it all the way to the left of the AM dial to test CFL and LED bulbs for EMF radiation emissions. Remove all bulbs that cause static on the radio.

6. Do not use or store cell phones directly against your body.

7. Turn off cell phones at night.

8. Test for dirty electricity on the household wiring by purchasing a Stetzer meter. If warranted buy Stetzer Filters.

9. Do not sleep with an electric clock plugged in next to sleeping area.  

10. Some air filters have bluetooth capacity. Either unplug or eliminate them.

 11. Unplug washing machine and dryer when not in use. They may transmit signals when plugged in, both on and off.

 12. Go to the “Solutions” page at for helpful information.

 13. Learn more about electronic utility meter hazards here.


Meter Mayhem

The New York State Public Service Commission (NYSPSC) is making a dangerous mistake by approving transmitting and non-transmitting electronic utility meters before testing them for radiofrequency and electrical radiation and electrical fire safety. In doing this, the NYSPSC is colluding with the utilities, an industry that routinely lies about the injuries, fires and deaths caused by electronic utility meters.

Recently the National Toxicology Program, an arm of the National Institutes of Health, completed a $25 million study-which determined that wireless radiation causes cancers and biological damage.

Telecommunications and utility companies are spending millions, if not billions of dollars to promote wireless technology - to keep you confused about the hazards of wireless radiation - while injuries and death tolls mount.

It is hard to believe but true – as far as public health and the environment are concerned, there is no government oversight for the wireless technology. Read all about this in an article written by Mark Hertsgaard and Mark Dowie in The NATION: How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe: A Special Investigation The disinformation campaign – and massive radiation increase – behind the 5G rollout.