The New York Safe Utility Meter Association, NYSUMA, is dedicated to the continued use of mechanical analog utility meters.
NYSUMA educates the public about the hazards associated with electronic digital utility meters (aka: AMR, ERT, AMI, "smart," and "opt-out digital"). These meters expose us to fire risks and electromagnetic frequencies at levels known to be carcinogenic. We are also very concerned about the unchecked privacy invasion of digital utility meters and skyrocketing utility rates.
As the rights of consumers are not being protected by utilities and the New York Public Service Commission, NYSUMA advocates for the rate payer’s right to choose the safest meter without penalties.
NYSUMA also works to raise awareness about the dangers of other wireless radiation technologies, including Wi-Fi, cell phones, 3G, 4G, 5G cell towers and their negative impact on public health and the environment.
Utility Meters
Analog Meter
Analog meters protect our privacy and are the safest utility meters available at this time. They are not flammable, contain NO electronic components and therefore do not have or need UL approval. Analog meters do not transmit radiofrequency radiation or cause fires. They cannot be used by a utility to collect your personal utility usage data for selling to third parties.
Digital Meter
Electronic meters, also known as “smart,” AMR, ERT, AMI, PLC, digital "opt-out," are not safe. Electronic meters are flammable and cause fires because they do not have surge arrestors or circuit breakers. Almost all electronic devices are UL approved - electronic meters are not! Electronic meters transmit dangerous and unprecedented levels of pulsed radiofrequency radiation all day every day, in and around buildings, making some people very sick. Electronic meters were designed to get rid of meter readers and to collect your personal utility usage data for utilities to sell to third parties, without your permission.
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